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Article Citations

Author's Last Name, Author's First Initial. Author's Middle Initial. (Year). Title of article.

Title of Periodical, Volume Number (Issue Number), Pages. 


Note that the citations for print journal articles and online journal articles are extremely similar. Keep in mind that a DOI or URL should be included for online journal article citations.

Online Journal Article

Smyth, A. M., Parker, A. L., & Pease, D. L. (2002). A study of enjoyment of peas. Journal of Abnormal Eating, 8(3), 120-125. Retrieved from

Print Journal Article

Harlow, H. F. (1983). Fundamentals for preparing psychology journal articles. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55, 893-896.

Scruton, R. (1996). The eclipse of listening. The New Criterion, 15 (3), 5-13.

Author's Last Name, Author's First Initial. (Year, Month Day). Article Title. Magazine Title,

Volume(issue), Page(s).


Note that citations for articles accessed electronically (online) follow the same basic format for article citations, but with a URL added to the citation.

Physical Magazine Article

Henry, W. A., III. (1990, April 9). Making the grade in today's schools. Time, 135, 28-31.

Electronic Magazine Article

Bernstein, M. (2002). 10 tips on writing the living Web. A List Apart: For People Who Make Websites, 149. Retrieved from

  • If the article comes from a website that is freely available to all, the URL should be provided after the words "Retrieved from". If the article comes from a subscription resources, the URL should be provided after the words "Available from".

Author's Last Name, Author's First Initial. (Year, Month Date). Article Title. Newspaper Title,



One Author

Schultz, S. (2005, December 28). Calls made to strengthen state energy policies. The Country Today, pp. 1A, 2A.

  • When citing more than one page in a newspaper article, the page numbers should be preceded by "pp.". When citing only one page in a newspaper article, the page should be preceded by "p." (for example, p.1A).
No Author

Wait till ice cream trucks get wind of this. (2007, November 21). The New York Times, p. F2.

  • When a newspaper article has no author, list the title of the article first.

Author's Last name, Author's First Initial. (Year, Month Day). Article Title. Newspaper Title.




Shoop, B. (2013, February 26). Weather effects on small businesses: why it pays to be small. The Chicago Tribune. Retrieved from

  • If the article comes from a website that is freely available to all, the URL should be provided after the words "Retrieved from". If the article comes from a subscription resource, the URL should be provided after the words "Available from".


The citation examples on this page and on subsequent pages have been borrowed from the Purdue Online Writing Lab (, and from the Defiance College Pilgrim Library Writing Center APA Style Guide (