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Research Workshops

Introduction to Search Strategies 

Introduction to Search Strategies (45 minutes synchronous + asynchronous exercises to be completed by the students prior to the session)

Learning Outcomes:

Students will understand that searching is a process and planning is critical to success

Students will understand that the quality of all information is not equal

Request a Live Research Instruction workshop by filling out the online request form.

The simple step of thinking about one's search process increases the likelihood of retrieving more valuable results and persisting through search difficulties.  For students who've grown up using Google for all of their research needs, strategizing about research and laying out a search strategy concept map can be very valuable in learning how to do good research.

Session includes a practice research exercise and introduces students to a research concept map for use in their research assignments.

Prerequisites:  Faculty member assigns library provided exercises in Canvas one week prior to the live session.  Faculty member has a research assignment associated with the course that students can work on during the session.  The assignment does not have to be extensive, just a topic area that students can strategize a research process for.

Problem Based Research Instruction

Problem-based library instruction is research instruction designed for students to:

  • address an information need in the context of a real world research situation
  • conduct research through active learning (hands-on)
  • develop a deeper understanding of information literacy skills

At the end of this session students should be able to:

  • identify an information need from a problem scenario
  • use scholarly search engines/databases to find information on a topic
  • more critically evaluate credibility of information sources
  • understand the importance of developing a search strategy